Failure to disclose your reliance on the research or thinking of others is PLAGIARISM, which is considered to be the most serious academic offense and will be treated as such. 未明确告知你在研究或想法上引述他人是“剽窃”行为,被认为是最严重的学术过失,并且将被惩处。
Copying another person's work or allowing your work to be copied by others is a serious academic offense and will be treated as such. 抄袭或复制它人的作业或借别人抄袭是严重触犯校规的,我们也将会以校规处罚。
Plagiarism is a serious offense. 剽窍是严重的违纪行为。
Driving while drunk is a serious offense. 酒醉开车属严重犯行。
A felony is the most serious offense, punishable by a sentence to a state institution ( Youth Authority facility or adult prison). 重罪是最严重的犯罪,宣判后要在国家机构(未成年人教管所或成人监狱)服刑。
Driving with a suspended license is a serious offense which could result in arrest, jail time, fines, or having your license revoked. 执照被吊销后驾驶属于一种严重犯罪,此犯罪可能导致被逮捕、关押、罚款或者是驾照完全被撤销。
Plagiarism use of another's intellectual work without acknowledgement is a serious offense. Intellectual property is ensured and protected by law. 剽窃未经说明使用他人的智力成果是一种严重的违规。人类的智力劳动成果经法律的确认和保护,成为知识产权。
Chief Inspector of Police Kenny Wong Tak-cheung said the judgment served as a warning to the public that it is a serious offense to use a computer dishonestly. 警务督察王德璋说,该判决警告市民,不诚实使用计算机是一个严重的犯罪。
If I had done so, I would not have committed this serious offense. 如果这样,我就不会犯下这种罪了。
A misdemeanor is a less serious offense for which the offender may be sentenced to probation, county detention ( in a juvenile facility or jail), a fine, or some combination of the three. 行为不端是相对较轻的犯罪行为,罪犯会得到缓刑、拘留(在未成年人教管所或监狱)、处以罚金,或者三者兼有。
Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds. 因为它是一个严重的进攻在尼日利亚进入无有效签证的情况下,受害人的非法入境者可被骗子为杠杆,迫使受害者到释放的资金。
The serious circumstances of the aggravated offense of crime of robbery should be strictly interpreted. 对构成抢劫罪加重犯的严重情节应该作严格的限制解释。
But to let a Jew hear a radio, that's a serious offense, isn't it? 但是让一个犹太人听收音机,是重罪,是不是?
Criminal Offense of Drug in western regions is going to be serious, which brings in various criminal offense, including murder, robbery, stealing and so on. 西部地区毒品犯罪问题目前日益严重,已经严重地影响和制约着全国禁毒工作。
Fraud lawsuits based on a serious social harm, my academic fraud, the nature of the proceedings, regardless of different opinions, mainly innocent, said that fraud, extortion and another to create a new offense that says so. 基于诉讼欺诈行为严重的社会危害性,我国司法学界对于诉讼欺诈的性质众说纷纭,主要有无罪说、诈骗罪说、敲诈勒索罪说和抢劫罪说等。
The indoor robbery, is a kind of hazardous nature very big serious criminal offense which at present sends much. 入户抢劫,是目前多发的一类危害性很大的严重刑事犯罪。
When an act offends organization, leadership spread to sell movable offense and the crime in manufacturing and selling the forgery at the same time, the criminal should be punished according to the more serious offence on the grounds of implicated offense in criminal theories. 当行为同时触犯组织、领导传销活动罪与生产、销售伪劣产品罪时,应按照刑法理论中的牵连犯对待,从一重罪处罚。